Make Money From Home Typing Tips

There are many ways to make money from home typing. You don't have to be a great typist to be successful. You need to be accurate, but you don't have to be fast. However, the faster you are, the more money you will be able to make.

Low Level Typing

Make money from home typing text from images into a document. You can also make money by typing information from websites into a spreadsheet to create lists, or by filling out forms. There are a lot of different projects and jobs you can take without typing well, but they don't pay great. All you will likely need is a computer with some type of internet access.

Mid Level Typing

If you type around fifty or sixty words per minute with fairly high accuracy, you can make more money by typing from scanned documents. You may also be able to earn more money by typing from websites or entering information into a content management system.

These jobs may be similar to the low level typing jobs. However, because you generally get paid based on number of entries and level of accuracy, you have a chance at making a lot more money with better skills. You will need a computer with word processing and spreadsheet software, as well as a high speed internet connection.

High Level Typing

High level typists have speeds of over sixty words per minute with perfect accuracy. You can make money from home typing from audio files. There is a lot of money in transcription. Lawyers with their own practice, doctors with a small staff, and medical billing are just a few examples of how you can make money from home typing audio files.

For these jobs you may need to purchase special software or equipment to perform the transcriptions, depending on the company or individuals you work with. At the minimum you will need a fast computer with high speed internet, Media Player or similar mp3 software, and headphones.


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